Sunday, February 21, 2016

An Epic Transition.........

and a work still very much in progress......... as the many still packed boxes in the current apartment will attest to

Mine was; from this blog, perhaps an absence of necessity. I look back at my first scribbles and there is such a joy looking forward. It did not take long for that to change to feeling more like Sisyphus pushing the rock uphill (and without having committed his sins). 

It might have done some good to purge myself of the anxiety, the anger and all the negativity that was generated by each and every corner I turned on my way here; for me personally, but not for 'public' consumption.

I still ask the 'powers that be', sometimes with my fist shaking up at 'them' - was and is it really necessary for this to be such a test of stamina, endurance, fortitude and stick to it-ness ???? How many times over do I need to prove that I want to be here in this oh, so bizarre country?

And for sure I know there is more to come,  just as I feel I may have turned a corner and re-acquainted myself with my sense of humour. 

I know I am definitely in Israel ; while I was still in the 'old country' I had expected a smoother ride, here as many before me have attested to - foolishness, expect nothing, spare yourself the disappointment and occasionally come away with a smile on your face. I needed that advice way back when also!


It is now, not just one month but several years....... 5 years + 4 months to be exact! 
(I am going "What?" not quite believing this or that my early posts are still to be found)

I can only put it as having slipped away into an indescribable space, a life overlaid with rather overwhelming events and feelings, brought back to explore this medium by the fortuitous encounter and perhaps unknowing encouragement from like minded "writers".

The Pond Has been Jumped, 18 months also to the day to be exact; such synchronicity, and I am now lodged in Haifa, Israel.

Things to consider - a title change?  do I attempt full memory recall...... ha!  or do I pick  up in the present with 'flashbacks'? the latter I have found often poorly used in movies best forgotten. Which Leaves moving forward with brief 'asides/footnotes' if needed.