Sunday, February 21, 2016

An Epic Transition.........

and a work still very much in progress......... as the many still packed boxes in the current apartment will attest to

Mine was; from this blog, perhaps an absence of necessity. I look back at my first scribbles and there is such a joy looking forward. It did not take long for that to change to feeling more like Sisyphus pushing the rock uphill (and without having committed his sins). 

It might have done some good to purge myself of the anxiety, the anger and all the negativity that was generated by each and every corner I turned on my way here; for me personally, but not for 'public' consumption.

I still ask the 'powers that be', sometimes with my fist shaking up at 'them' - was and is it really necessary for this to be such a test of stamina, endurance, fortitude and stick to it-ness ???? How many times over do I need to prove that I want to be here in this oh, so bizarre country?

And for sure I know there is more to come,  just as I feel I may have turned a corner and re-acquainted myself with my sense of humour. 

I know I am definitely in Israel ; while I was still in the 'old country' I had expected a smoother ride, here as many before me have attested to - foolishness, expect nothing, spare yourself the disappointment and occasionally come away with a smile on your face. I needed that advice way back when also!


It is now, not just one month but several years....... 5 years + 4 months to be exact! 
(I am going "What?" not quite believing this or that my early posts are still to be found)

I can only put it as having slipped away into an indescribable space, a life overlaid with rather overwhelming events and feelings, brought back to explore this medium by the fortuitous encounter and perhaps unknowing encouragement from like minded "writers".

The Pond Has been Jumped, 18 months also to the day to be exact; such synchronicity, and I am now lodged in Haifa, Israel.

Things to consider - a title change?  do I attempt full memory recall...... ha!  or do I pick  up in the present with 'flashbacks'? the latter I have found often poorly used in movies best forgotten. Which Leaves moving forward with brief 'asides/footnotes' if needed.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Well I note it has been a full month. I was hoping to have completed all three letters, no such luck. Actually two got done and they have been replied to, and the current cycle with them completed ie making inquiries as to short term accommodations in Haifa for my pilot trip. The third and very important one concerning recognition of my professional status in Israel awaits completion, it is 2/3rds done, just a little more umph. It requires going through years of papers to pull out information and that is time consuming.

As to Hebrew lessons, I prove not to be any more studious then I was thirty some years ago, difficult to get back into that kind of routine having been out of it for so long. Still early in the day today, between shopping, cooking, cleaning, laundry and walking the dogs I will try to carve out some "Aliyah" related time!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


September and the holidays are coming to a close, fall is most definitely here and I am back at school - well at least one evening class in Beginner's Hebrew. I chose beginner's despite having some knowledge wanting the basics to become second nature. Also persuaded a few acquaintances to participate and all three of them, are interested in making Aliyah. It appears there are a few more at the synagogue I attend so there is no end of opportunity for discussion.

this week coming I have intentions of writing at least three letters - here's hoping I succeed !

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Getting back on track

Well clearly it has been a while, my focus has been diverted and not entirely pleasantly – life does throw curves, much has happened - some Aliyah related, much not.  Now with the New Year here, getting back on track is what I am aiming for.

After Pesach I had been so looking forward to my appointment with the Jewish Agency (April 14). I anticipated a surge forward in information and much clarification. I could not have been more disappointed, not just in the lack of knowledge but most particularly in the lack of professionalism demonstrated by the staff. I was finally clued into at least one reason for the disinterest on both their and NBN’s part in providing ‘aid’ – My anticipated date of arrival in Israel is not until the spring of 2012 – apparently when the government approves the Aliyah application it is valid for only 6 months and then must be renewed.  They would rather not process mine just yet; I felt left in Limbo – literally walked out of the office thinking nothing would happen until they had what they judged to be a firm commitment from me, imagine my surprise when I got a call on May 18th to tell me my application had been processed and I was all good to take flight – Yeah!  One tiny caveat; permission would need to be renewed, if I took longer then one year and I know I will, but that’s O.K. 'cause now I know I am an “Oleh Hadasha” with all the rights and privileges, and that puts my mind at ease.

Next a colleague had kindly provided the contact info for a physician in Israel. I spoke with him and though informative; definitely not encouraging, unless I was prepared to provide my expertise for free. Frankly, I have trouble at the moment seeing myself doing that. Although while being contemplative during these High Holiday services, have begun to notice a softening of the armour I usually wear, and yes those two thoughts are related.

Now on to the next steps ....................

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hag , Pesach, Sameach

my days and evenings of late have been so full, I am up early in the morn to grab a few moments so that I may scribe a few thoughts
Pesach is coming to a  close for this year and it marks the first time I have attended both the Seders that occur "ahutz l'aretz"/outside Israel. Actually I am able to count all the Seders I have attended in my life time still on both hands, and charmingly enough the  very first was in Israel in 1978, in the Old City of Jerusalem, all be it with a rather secular family.
Now, as I often hear it said 'G-d Willing' / 'Baruch HaShem', as I start counting toes instead of fingers very soon it will be one in Israel.
otherwise I am slow in getting documents together and sending them off, fortunately I have an appointment with the Jewish Agency coming up, so that imposes a deadline of sorts
continue to do reading of materials available in cyberspace and studying the internet map of Haifa, at this rate I may have it well etched in my brain cells before I even get there and won't require a hard copy

Saturday, March 27, 2010

nachus (happy) making

the following is a wee bit of something I wrote that will be published in my synagogue's monthly news letter - I just had to share (it may be a bit repetitious of earlier posts), and there will be photos - right now am working on photo shop skills to put together a collage of 'people'

" this is not so much a reminiscence, but rather a telling of how the past year, and my first at Darchei Noam has been quite instrumental and pivotal in helping me come to/clarify a goal and a future for myself

it has been a life long dream to return to Israel (I was born there in Dec. of  '49), I tried it out for 9 months in '77-'78, unfortunately (or perhaps not) it was a stillbirth, Israel and I were not on the same page at that time and I choose to complete my studies and have a career as a psychiatrist here in Toronto

the desire continued unerringly to flicker, and while clearing out a bookshelf recently I discovered Aliyah applications from the mid eighties, for the life of me I do not recall - how odd yet true to the urging within

then just over one year ago a major change in my life - my mother died, there has been sadness but also gradually a "lightness of being", my last major responsibility had been discharged, I could now chart my own course unencumbered, perhaps an enviable position

the second serendipitous event was finding Darchei Noam - I was on my way Home - how could I know this?  there was tremendous warmth and welcoming and I heard Hebrew spoken with an Israeli accent, how wonderful

it became evident in short order that not only the congregation as a whole but also it's  members have close ties with Israel

this upped my awareness and then I started to dither, most uncomfortable, knowing of the necessity to make a trip to assess my relationship status with Israel; and I was so loath to do this on my own - did I not come to Darchei Noam  at a fortuitous time? a Rabbi led trip was on the table, I jumped as high and as fast as I could to nab this opportunity

then came the cautionary words - Israel has changed a great deal, yes I expect so, and I had chosen not to stay before

for me; after my two weeks there, I learnt that the essence of Israel, something I am still having a tough time articulating, had not changed, yes there are modern highways, and there has been a construction boom throughout the country;

the people though, the people I observed were as they ever were, and I fell in love with a sweetness as I have never known, I am continuing my journey Home

thank you Darchei Noam for being the supportive one as I pursue my dream ! I am blessed, and may I be able to “pay it forward”! "


have spent the last few days doing what feels like way too much 'surfing' and sampling of all kinds of sites, two have stood out so far and the "Anglo-list" for Haifa I am sure is most promising - now if only the municipality of Haifa would send me a map of the city that I requested, I'd be all set for my next phase of checking out neighbourhoods and real estate

the other - also relatively new, is one that connects Anglo newcomers/potential comers with those who have been in Israel awhile, so far lots of 'stories', including a lawyer, whose posts to my mind are pure melodrama, hardly convey an inspiring image, ah well, to each his own....

Monday, March 22, 2010

YEAH !!!

finally the chits and such have been deposited at the accountants and I can get back to what I want to do and put aside for a bit what I have to do
did take a  brief detour yesterday to listen to a WEB seminar, which is also posted on Utube concerning purchasing property in Israel - the bottom line - find yourself a very competent lawyer

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

a slight change of focus

great distraction this evening - went to see a show "The Jersey Boys", it was spectacular !

and now for a little promo spot for a dear friend - Eliane, a truly, marvellously talented illustrator   - check out her blog here and then have her do your portrait or better yet of another whom you would like to present as a gift - Mother's & Father's Days are coming up!

and not to veer too far off - I realised (as I walked my young dogs) doing this blog is actually my first step in my wish to network, so my readers do you know any friends of friends six times or less removed who would be happy to pass some tips along about making Aliyah or have anyone in Haifa who would enjoy 'chatting' about their town, thank you